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Contact Entry



The Contact Entry window lets you create a record of contact with a customer or supplier.

Contact Types
Several different contact types may be tracked. Contacts may be recorded as : Conversation; E-Mail; Fax; Letter; Telephone.

As well as just recording the details of the contact, you may also generate the following :

- if you choose an e-mail contact, you may write the e-mail in CashBook 200, and send it to your default e-mail program.

Letter and Fax
- this option allows the contact details that you enter into CashBook 200 with
a normal document in Microsoft Word 2001 on the Macintosh and Microsoft Word 2000 on Windows.

Selecting a Contact and a Contact Type
If you are editing an existing contact, and need to change the details of the contact person or choose a different contact method, click the Change Contact button to display the window shown below. If you are creating a new contact entry, this window will appear immediately.

There are three steps to selecting:
(1) Select a contact type - You may choose between Conversation; E-Mail; Fax; Letter; Telephone.

(2) Select a contact - The drop down list of contacts will include any that you have set up for this customer or supplier, including alternative and other contacts.

(3) Select a location - The drop down list of locations includes any you have set up for the contact selected in part (2). Once you have selected the location, it will appear in the box beneath the Select a location listbox - where you may alter the details, if required.

When you are happy with the details, click the OK button to return to the Contact Entry window.

Processing the contact
If you have created a Conversation or Telephone contact, there is nothing further to do, apart from filling in the details of the contact.

If, however, you have created a E-mail, Fax or Letter, you may process the contact as follows:

- After completing the details of the e-mail, including the recipient's e-mail address in the Address box and the e-mail subject in the Subject box, click the E-mail button to send the e-mail to your default mail program. CashBook 200 does not automatically send the e-mail, but it does pass the e-mail to your mail program, ready for it to be sent.

Letter and Fax
- After completing the details of the letter or fax, clicking the Word process button will link the details to
a normal document in Microsoft Word 2001 on the Macintosh and Microsoft Word 2000 on Windows. These Word documents must be stored in the Letters folder, which is inside the CashBook 200 folder. To see how this process works, look at the fragment of one of the sample letters which comes with the program - "Individual Mailing.doc".

As you can see in the picture above, there are three special pieces of text - <<Address>>, <<Subject>> and <<Details>>. When the mailing process starts, these pieces of text will be replaced by the contents of the respective boxes on the Contact Entry window. 

To create your own letters and faxes with which to produce a mailing, write a normal Word document, and then save it in the Letters folder (It is important that you save the document with ".doc" at the end of the filename - even on a Macintosh). The letter should be written in the same way as any other Microsoft Word document, the only difference being the use of <<Address>>, <<Subject>> and <<Details>>.